Wow. Talk about those moments that take your breath away. Earlier today, I was watching Ghost Whisperer...and yes, this is cheesy, but its going somewhere. It was the episode where her best friend dies. She goes on describing their friendship and it sounds so much like me and Josie. She always had my back. She always believed in me. She never doubted anything I said or tried to do. She encouraged me in everything. And this is a time right now I could really use her encouragement. I doubting what I'm doing as far as school and everything I've had to give up. All the things that have kind of crumbled out from under me so I can go back and learn something exciting and new. I'm not feeling like the Melinda everybody knows..and hopefully loves. ;0)
So, I'm sitting here looking over a chapter for a test and just feeling overwhelmed and I decided to check my email in case my group canceled for our project in the morning. There is an email from someone who's name is very similar to her's (only one letter's difference) sitting in my inbox. At first glance it did look like it said Josie...and believe it or not, this song comes on my itunes at that exact second that always makes me think of her. Its called "Crying for Me" by Tobie Keith.
Is my cheer leader trying to tell me to hang in there?
I don't know...but I'm feeling her more than ever right now....
Sometimes its like, just when I think I'm ok...something happens to remind me of her and it blows me away.
Its amazing how much you can love someone. Josie was such a good friend to me. I miss her so much. :0(