Thursday, January 26, 2012

Divine Protection


Of, from, or like God or a god.


  1. The action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected.

Look for everyday miracles!
Every person in life has their trials. I've had my share of them, and continue to do so. Even though there are certainly people who have been through far worse than me, we have to remember that even though our troubles are different, they are nonetheless taxing on the person having them. In comparison-what may have been a carefree life for some, to me, has been a difficult time of overcoming fears and past events because these things were all I knew. I wish I could elaborate on what they are, and perhaps someday I will, but the fact is that these events involve other people that I don't wish to throw under the bus for all the internet to see. :) And in any event, no matter what those past events are, I can only use them as an excuse for so long. It has been up to me for several years now to wade through the muck inside of me that these events created, and to create a better life for myself. I have so far to go before that happens. Still I make mistakes. Still I fight everyday for that ounce of strength that will allow me to get over my fears. I've come a long way though. 

Everyday I will find something good to hold onto. Everyday I will try to be the light for someone else. Everyday I will try to be a blessing. I know that what was the past stays in the past, and I can't let it stop me from being the best person I can be. There is no such thing as perfection so I will never even try to come near to being that. There are amazing things to come for people who continue to BELIEVE and I am one of those BELIEVERS! I continue to have hope for my life because I've seen miracles. No, I've never witnessed a blind man who could suddenly see, nor have I witnessed a disabled person suddenly being able to get up and walk after years of torture and pain. But I do see the miracles that happen everyday that a lot of people over look and chalk up to luck or coincidence. 

Take hold of the love that is freely given.
People that I love who've been severely injured or have been extremely ill have been healed so quickly and so completely, even their doctors had no explanation. I've seen people in hard times and with the power of prayer they were placed back on their feet and placed right back on the right path. In my case, every time I have fallen, I've been picked up. Every time I've been in need, I've been given a solution. Every time I've cried I've felt the warmth of love. Sometimes I can't explain where this love is coming from because I'm sitting alone in my pain. Most certainly though I've felt love pour over me like...warm honey. That's the only way to explain it. It spreads over you and you just feel like you are in this warm peaceful bubble of love. How do you get there you ask?? Open your mind and your heart completely. Do nothing but BELIEVE with everything you have. There is no room for doubt! Ask for it and  you shall receive! It will come to you. I promise you. 

It's yours for the taking!
Sure, I've struggled until I was given a solution or safe place to rest. The thing is, I was given these gifts because I mulled over my mistakes and in the moment I was honest and took responsibility for what I'd done or decided to do-my problem was solved. Just like that. Don't get me wrong, this didn't stop me from continuing to make stupid mistakes-but learn from them I do, and I'm always rewarded. And most importantly, you never, ever give up. You wake up and keep going and before you know it you are in a better place. It may not be exactly what you wanted or even what you thought you wanted at all, but be assured that you are exactly where you are meant to be. 

Our Heavenly father is REAL. I have no explanation for the blessings that I continue to receive. Whatever goes on in my life, I have nothing but the most overpowering feeling of being protected. There are hard times when I really do struggle with myself and struggle to maintain the level of happiness that everyone has come to know me for. Again though, I continue to strive for it because of the amazing love and protection that my Heavenly Father has given me and all the promises He has made to provide for me in this life and most certainly in the next. Hold on and hold fast. You are divinely protected!

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