Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ramble Ramble!

I'm so excited to see that so many people have been reading my blog these last few days. I've gotten some feedback and it has been so encouraging! I've got to say, some of those messages even brought little tears to my eyes, they were so sweet and touching. So again, thank you for that!

As I said in my emails and messages, I've been working on this darn thing for a LONG time. :D I've always let it lag and not really paid too much attention to it. As some of you know I was going to NMSU and studying filmmaking, but due to financial reasons, I haven't been able to go back. It is still a big dream of mine, and I'm totally gutted about not being in school, but I'm also trying to look at it from another angle. It is probably a good thing I am taking some time out from it (Don't get me wrong, it is still something I want..really bad! It just isn't my time right now, but that time will come). The reason for that is I've realized that a lot of the time I've got this awesome creative idea in my head, but I have trouble organizing it and getting out. I found that I was holding back and not having confidence in what I was doing. Anyone who had me in class could probably attest to that. And I heard it a lot from instructors-I've got solid ideas, creativity and potential, I'm just lacking the confidence to let people see what is really there when I'm writing. I'm not "letting loose" I guess you could say. I know, I know...people who spend a lot of time with me will be snorting and giggling-"YOU, hold back? You're insane..quite literally, and you're usually not afraid to show that at all!" And that's mostly true, but I do get shy sometimes . I really do. I swear it! :D this time that I've been out of school, I've been working on writing projects. I'm very excited about a few of the things I've been working on (as soon as I have them more developed I'll share, I promise! ;), but I've managed to get stuck in some areas...MAJOR writers block! :/ So I figured the best way to unstick myself was to take the time to actively blog and actually write for people. Though I have a handful of people who read it already, I needed more! As I also explained, I'm not ready for the whole of my friends and family to read it (mostly because one or two of them were blogged about..*cough*), so the people I chose to ask to read this-I don't just seemed right! There is such a variety of qualities among you all that I look up to, I knew any feedback I got from you would come from a solid place and this little ol' blog  would be taken seriously.  

That being said, please keep reading, haha! I know I've rambled on (hence the name of the blog-hardy har...), but basically, long story short- knowing that I have to update on a regular basis to keep you interested would force me to churn out creative things. I hope. No pressure right? lol Again, feel free to comment here ( click on the comment link under the post next to the time stamp) or message me privately on Facebook. If you choose to comment here and you don't have an account please leave your name in the comment because I think you will be labeled anonymous. If those of you without accounts want to be alerted when I blog let me know this and how you would like to be contacted (FB, email, text, smoke signal, a smack on the head as I scream "READ MY BLOG!!!" ....;). 

Again, thanks for reading and for all the feedback I've gotten so far! 

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